
Monday, December 30, 2013

You 2013, you.

It is actually crazy to think how much happens in one year. As I was thinking of writing this post, I was trying to think about all that we did this year, and got confused because it seemed so long ago. Then some things feel just like yesterday.
We started off 2013 world travelers, with our first Asia experience. China was so cool. And by cool, I mean incredibly cold. And also the other kind of cool. It was so crazy being in such a foreign place where there was absolutely no English spoken. The Great Wall was just freaking awesome. That was such a cool experience walking up those steps and being apart of such great history.

Then back to the sand pit.

Then, in March Kaylee came to visit! We had an absolute blast! So many memories made and so many laughs. I am so glad I got to share this experience with one of my best friends.

Then, just a few days after, my mom came!! I was so happy to see my mom and bring her into our world while we were over seas. A time I will never forget.

In April we had Spring Break and we traveled to Sri Lanka! It was absolutely beautiful! We stayed on Mirissa Beach and had the most gorgeous views and sunsets. This was such a relaxing trip for us where we got to lay on the beach and ride around on our little moped.

In June we got to travel to South Korea as Justin competed in The Crossfit Games. Another very cool place, but we didn't really get to travel around and explore that much because we were at the competition all day. My studly husband took 4th!

As the school year ended, we had to make a life changing decision. We took a risk, and resigned from our jobs in the Middle East, and decided it was time to come home. You can read all about our story here.

Bam, bam, bam I got a teaching job in Arizona, and we moved! Just like that. 

My best friend also gave birth to her perfect little boy Kyson, whom has completely stolen my heart, we went to The Crossfit Games down in LA, crossed off seeing my love, Michael Buble in concert off my bucket list, got my first bar muscle up, used my kitchen aide for the first time because we finally got to open our wedding gifts, and so much more. We are so incredibly blessed.

Looking back, we have had one heck of a year. We relied on our faith to get us through the hard times, and when we had no idea what was in store for us. Thank goodness, God is faithful and always provides. I have a feeling 2014 will just as big a year as the last! You never know what God has in store for The Ahrens :)

Have a very blessed and safe New Years Eve everyone!
God bless!

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