
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hello {again} Dubai.

Well, it's 1:50 am Dubai time, and I am, of course, a little jet lagged. I figured this would be a great time to make a blog post, since it's been...I don't know...MONTHS! 
We just came off of another awesome summer back at home, and I am already missing the fresh air. It is so crazy boarding the plane being surrounded by trees, and landing seeing nothing but sand. We could not be living in a more opposite place from Oregon. 
I start work next week (23rd) and this year I am teaching 2nd grade. I really loved teaching 3rd grade, and really loved my kiddos and being able to do a lot of stuff with them, but the big boss asked me to move down as we are adding another position and I have taught 2nd grade before. I hope it all flows back smoothly, and I have an amazing year. 
In other news...
I can't believe I am actually saying this with 100% confidence that... this is our last year in the UAE. I can't even tell you how excited we BOTH are that in just a few (saying few makes me happier) months, we will be moving back to our green state! Our dream of opening up our very own Crossfit and running it together is so close I can literally smell the green trees that await us! This has been an on-going prayer of ours for a few years, and now it is finally becoming a reality. We are still unsure of location, but leaving it up to prayer. We both know God's plan is way better than anything we could come up with, so we are leaving it all in His hands.
Even though we are so excited to move home, we still have another year of adventures ahead of us! I really want to be smart with our choices of travel this year, as we won't be in the center of the world anymore with places being so close to us. 
Be on the lookout as I am going to really try to blog more often and fulfill my New Year goals for at least the last half of the year ;)

God bless!


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