
Saturday, April 28, 2012

A filthy weekend.

I think I have burned more calories in a three day span than I have in a long time. 
Friday morning started off with an 8am StopTheClock session that involved an 800 m run, 150 flutter kicks, 120 supermans, 90 lunge jumps, 60 mountain climbers, 30 burpees, and about about a 100 m swim. We were dying! We had about 9 people there and we saw some new faces and ones we hadn't seen in awhile. It was great! We are quickly becoming quite the little family at STC and we are loving every bit of it.

Today involved a little bit of sleeping in waking up around 8 to watch the Season 5 finale episodes of The Fantasy Factory. Oh man, we love that show; instant laughter. We then drove to pick up our newest Crossfit addict, Caoimhe (pronounced Keeva for you non Irish like me) and made our weekend trip up to Dubai to The Burn Room. 

On the schedule was the Filthy Fifty. I had never done it before, but when Justin says he's shooting for just under 20 minutes, I knew I was going to take about 30! We showed Caoimhe the ropes at the box and then busted out our workouts. 
The Filthy Fifty:
50 Box Jump (20″)
50 Jumping Pull-ups 
50 Kettlebell Swings (35#)
50 Walking Lunges 
50 Knees-to-elbows (I did sit-ups)
50 Push Presses (45#) 
50 Back Extensions 
50 Wall Balls (14# to 9′) 
50 Burpees 
50 Double Unders
Time: 23:54

This is about what I looked like afterwards (minus the blonde hair and six pack)

We are praying and hoping this week flies by at work because we have some awesome stuff planned for next weekend starting Thursday night! More to come about that later! :)

God bless!

1 comment:

  1. we had filthy fifty here too...guess who passed on it...Muah!!!


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